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Tooth Gem Aftercare Instructions.


Instructions for Post-Dental Jewelry Placement Care (Aftercare):

1. Food and Beverage:

a. Immediate Restrictions:

- Do not eat or drink anything other than water for at least 3 hours after placement.

b. Beverages:

- Ideally, use a straw for any beverages during the first few days to avoid direct contact with the jewelry.

- Avoid very hot or cold drinks for at least 2 days.

c. Food:

- Avoid hard, sticky, or solid foods for the first 2 days.

- Eat slowly and be cautious. If possible, chew on the side of the mouth without jewelry.


2. Oral Hygiene:

a. Brushing:

- Do not brush your teeth for at least 6 hours after placement.

- When brushing, use a soft-bristle toothbrush and brush gently, without force or abrupt movements around the jewelry area.

- It is not recommended to use an electric toothbrush as it could prematurely dislodge the jewelry.


3. Behaviors to Avoid:

a. Handling:

- Do not play with the jewelry, avoid touching it, biting on a pen, constantly running your tongue over it, or hitting it with objects.

b. Specific Foods and Beverages:

- Avoid chewing gum, caramels, and other sticky foods that could dislodge the jewelry.

- Avoid acidic foods or beverages that could affect the jewelry's retention.

- It is recommended to avoid alcohol for at least 2 hours after placement. If you consume alcohol, use a straw.

- Avoid smoking or ensure that smoke does not come into direct contact with the jewelry for the first 2 hours after placement.

These instructions are aimed at ensuring the durability and aesthetics of dental jewelry. It is essential to clearly explain these recommendations to each client to ensure satisfaction and minimize the risk of post-placement incidents.

In 80% of cases, jewelry falls prematurely due to a lack of adherence to aftercare instructions.


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